About Us

Our indoor cannabis journey began in a 2x3 closet and his since bloomed into a team with decades of experience managing 72 plant perpetual indoor medical cannabis gardens here in the Great Lakes State and large scale outdoor grows across the U.S. from Oregon to our beautiful unsalted Michigan Waters!
We have been blessed to live in an age of information. However, we realized that there is just as much bad information out there as good, especially in the world of cannabis. A quick search on any cannabis forum and any experienced grower will see a lot of bad advice without the empirical data or results to back it up!
Thankfully, as more states have legalized there has been more access to study the plant in a controlled and educational settings we can better understand the cannabis plant and its relationship to the environment without guesswork and relying on information they may or may not bear good fruits!
As more and more solid research and results came in, we listened. We kept an open mind and put aside our "growers pride" or the urge to do things the same because that was the status quo. We learned. The game has most definitely changed.
Bad information hurts us all. Not only can a lazy neighbors lack of attention to their cannabis or hemp garden cross pollinate yours - large out of state corporations and big pharma would love nothing more than to push out the peoples rights to grow at home so they can line their pockets under the guise of public safety. Don't let that happen!
We believe in everyone growing high quality medical grade cannabis whether you are indoor, outdoor, organic, synthetic, growing at home for yourself or patients, or for consumers all across the state and want to help.
We've separated the wheat from the chaff to help you bring your best buds to the table. From seed to cure and all the IPM in between - we can help guide you every step whether your a first time grower or looking to transition into the recreational market!